職涯規劃Career Planning
證照取得Licenses Taking |
鼓勵學生積極取得證照資格,除可提升自我競爭優勢,校內亦提供證照獎勵金獎勵考取證照之學生;本系學生取得之證照多為JLPT日檢N1、N2合格證書,MOS電腦文書證照、英日語導遊領隊證照等。 We encourage students to take various licensing tests, such as JLPT N1, N2, Microsoft Office Specialist certification, Japanese and English guide's certificates, to make them more competitiveness on job market.
升學Advanced Study |
專科部畢業後可報考二技或插班大學相關科系;二技、四技則可選擇國內研究所或出國深造。 Upon college graduation, studentcan immediately apply for entrance-exam for two-year supplementary college program or transferring exam of other universities to earn a bachelor degree. With a college degree, they can further pursue graduate study domestically or abroad.
就業Employment |
依同學興趣與專長從事相關行業。如:翻譯、口譯員、秘書、旅遊觀光業、航空業、日語教師、國際事務人員、新聞從業人員。 Students can engage themselves in various professions according to their interest, such as translation, interpreter, secretary, tourism, aviation industry, Japanese teacher, etc.