學生活動Students Activities
每年在校內舉辦多項與日本文化有關之課外活動,如:畢業公演、辯論比賽、話劇比賽、歌唱比賽、配音比賽、創意美食大賽、相撲比賽、文物展、美食展、電影欣賞等活動,以及成年禮、迎新茶會、送舊舞會等,內容活動多采多姿。 積極鼓勵學生參與各項競賽,舉凡日語演講比賽、日語辯論比賽、日語配音比賽等,皆能獲得優異成績。
Extracurricular activities of promoting Japanese culture will be held each year, such as graduation performance, debate contest, play competition, singing competition, dubbing competition, sumo competition, coming-of-age ceremony, orientation party, farewell party, etc. We encourage students to participate in various contests, and they tend to perform well and have a lot of fun.