日文圖書資源Book Resources
本系配合圖書館訂定的「館藏發展政策」,建立本系的專業館藏,以便能更進一步支援本系科教學、研究及學習需求,提供學生一個最佳的知識環境。 為配合本系之培育目標,圖書採購與館藏完全就教職員生之教學、研究與學習之需要性,積極增添相關教學與研究所需之專業圖書及期刊資料,在選擇期刊與圖書種類數量時,系上開設課程及教師研究之需求皆納入考量,每年所購置之圖書及期刊訂閱,皆由全系教師視其教學或研究上之需求提出建議後擬定採購目錄。
According to the Development Policy for the Library Collection, the Department of Japanese is set to hold professional collections in providing a vital support for Japanese research, learning and teaching excellence. In order to coordinate the Department’s educational objectives, the Department purchases professional books and journals according to the needs of the Japanese faculties and students. The annual purchasing list of books and journals are suggested by the faculties according to their research interests and teaching requirements.